Monthly Archives: August 2011

Taking a break

Things are a little bit crazy at my apartment and I need to take a break for a while from blogging. I apologize to anyone who reads!

Not only am I up for two different positions at work, but my roommate’s life has taken a downturn and I’m spending more of my free time with her.

I hope all your lives out there are a little less chaotic than mine is right now. I hope I won’t be gone too long!

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The Things I’d Like To Learn…

I’ve got a slowly growing list of things I’d like to learn, and finding time can definitely be a challenge.

For a while now I’ve wanted to learn how to tat, mostly because its generally a small thing and is something I could keep in my purse and do whenever I’m stuck somewhere or waiting in a long line and have forgotten to bring a book. I also want to learn it because you can make some really beautiful lace with it.

I also want to learn how to paint, which I suppose is not always something you can be “taught” how to do well, but I’d like to take some lessons in the various mediums. I have dabbled in oil painting, but I’d really like to try my hand at watercolors and acrylic. I even almost got an BFA when I was in college until I switched to another school that didn’t have any art classes.

And an old desire has recently sprung up. And that being learning how to play guitar. Now I took about one lesson when I was in high school with my sister, but we only had one guitar which was hers and my desire to learn eventually fizzled out as I have small hands which can make playing guitar really hard. But I’ve really started thinking about it again and I may find myself visiting some pawn shops in the near future, especially since I have a friend that is willing to teach me and another friend that wants to learn also. And I’ve always found that its easier to do things regularly if you have someone else doing it with you (sibling don’t always count, though).

Are there any activities, hobbies or other things you’d like to learn?

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Birthday Time!

My birthday is tomorrow so I’m taking the weekend off, which also means nothing interesting to post today…

So go check out this awesome music video by Parry Gripp instead:

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Is it Christmas yet?

I’m somewhat impatiently waiting for December to come. And it has something to do with ebooks and libraries. In case you haven’t been keeping up with some of the news about Overdrive, Kindle books will be added to their collection in December. The official date has not yet been released, but we’ve been promised that it’ll happen before the end of the year. Hints here and there make it sound like it’ll be something that will happen around Christmas and that doesn’t really surprise me. Especially since the news will probably boost Kindle sales.

And the best part about Kindle books coming to libraries near you, is that Amazon is going to be giving FREE copies of the ebooks that libraries have already purchased. So sometime in December, for every ebook that your library has purchased through Overdrive will then also be found in Kindle format as well as ePub or PDF. And all future ebooks your library purchases will come as a package with the Kindle format and an ePub and/or PDF version as well.

Now, I won’t be buying a Kindle or any other ereader just yet, but I’m looking forward to testing out a Kindle from work and downloading books through my library on it. I haven’t posted about the Nook that I got to play with, but I have to say that it definitely makes me very, very tempted to pick one up.

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